
Traffic sinner pilloried

traffic sinner

USPA NEWS - Because they overtook a school bus transportation unconstitutional, a woman had to publicly come out as "idiot". "Only an idiot would go on the sidewalk, trying to overtake a school bus" on the sign, the Shena Hardin had to serve on.
Shena Hardin had to experience in the last two days, the hardness of the legal situation in the U.S. state of Ohio on his own body. Because they overtook a school bus right on the sidewalk, it sat for the 32-year-old is not only a fine in the amount of $ 250 and a month of driving license - they also had reason to the public pillory. A court had sentenced the woman to himself in public to brand as "idiot". For two days they had, respectively, from 7.45 bis 8.45 clock clock set with a sign at an intersection that read: "Only an idiot would go on the sidewalk, trying to overtake a school bus."
Photos and insults

And passersby reacted promptly. Some just made “‹“‹a photo of Hardin, others cursed openly. As the Huffington Post reports, the strange punishment action by a local television station was even broadcast live.

Hardin had pleaded not guilty in court by the way, but was taken up their forbidden abbreviation of a video camera on the school bus, and therefore occupied.

During her pillory hour Hardin tried anyway, ignoring their surroundings as much as possible. With sunglasses and wearing woolen cap, and headphones in their ears, and phoned them alternately smoked and did not submit to questions from reporters.
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