


Steve McQueen (Source: Wikipedia)
McQueen Best Picture Oscar '12 years of Slave'
(Source: Wikipedia)
USPA NEWS - Marian Goodman Gallery in Paris just announced an exhibition by Steve McQueen to launch the 2016 season. They will present his latest film installation, as well as several new works produced especially for this, his fifth exhibition at the gallery...
Marian Goodman Gallery in Paris just announced an exhibition by Steve McQueen to launch the 2016 season. They will present his latest film installation, as well as several new works produced especially for this, his fifth exhibition at the gallery.

Exhibition opening: Saturday, January 9, 2016 from 6 to 8 PM .
It will be centered around the new project 'Remember me' and 'Ashes'
'Ashes' is an immersive work composed of two films projected simultaneously on either side of a free-hanging screen. The intensity of the piece is derived from the juxtaposition of the two projections (life and death, boundless space and enclosed space) linked by an off-screen voice. McQueen uses a monologue to pull together the threads of a story that are absent from the images. Employing this narrative device, each viewer is rendered a witness to the drama through the oral testimonies of Ashes´s friends.
First is a portrait of Ashes, a young man from Grenada from where the artist´s family also originated. Cracking a mischievous smile and taunting the camera, Ashes is seated at the prow of a boat sailing the Caribbean Sea. The footage was captured during the production of another work, entitled Caribs´ Leap (2002). Shot live on Super 8 film by the renowned cinematographer Robby Müller, the images illustrate the documentary aspect of McQueen´s work.
Ashes´ carefree demeanor and apparent freedom stand in contrast to the content of the second film projected on the other side of the screen and shot eight years later in a Grenada cemetery, in contrast to the idyllic postcard pictures of the Caribbean island. 'Life and death have always lived side by side, in every aspect of life,' said McQueen. 'We live with ghosts in our everyday.'
McQueen´s work has been the subject of many museums around the world, including the National Portrait Gallery in London (2010), the De Pont Museum of Contemporary Art in Tilburg (2009), the Institute of Contemporary Art in London, the Museum of Modern Art in New York (1997). In 2009, he was selected to represent Great Britain at the Venice Biennale. He participated in Documenta X (1997), Documenta XI (2002), and Documenta XII (2007). Most recently, his work was the subject of retrospective exhibitions, at the Art Institute of Chicago (2012) and at the Schaulager in Basel (2014). His last museum exhibition in France was in 2003 at the Musée d´Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris.
Internationally renowned as a filmmaker, McQueen has directed three feature films: Hunger (2008), Shame (2011), and 12 Years a Slave (2014). He won the “camera d´or' award at the Cannes Film Festival for Hunger and the Oscar for the Best Motion Picture for 12 Years a Slave in 2014.

Source : Marian Goodman

Yasmina BEDDOU
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