
Rajoy stressed that Spain is the most competitive country in the world tourism

First in the world

(Source: Pool)
USPA NEWS - During the inauguration of the VIII Tourism Leadership Forum Exceltur, the acting Spanish Prime Minister, Mariano Rajoy, said Tuesday that the Spanish tourism sector provides record numbers in tourist arrivals and spending. He added that "betting on tourism is to go for our joint prosperity."
The Spanish Prime Minister stressed that "Spain is a prime tourist power in the world", something confirmed by data from the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO). He stressed that the Government "was clear from the outset that tourism should be a priority," which led to the adoption of the Comprehensive National Tourism Plan, "the backbone" of the tourism reform.
According to Rajoy, the Spanish tourism sector data "astounding." For example, in 2015, to November, Spain received 64.6 million tourists -three million more than in the previous year-, they spent 63.657 million Euros -the 6.4% more than in 2014-. The Spanish Prime Minister explained that "large numbers" of Spanish tourism sector demonstrate their quality, which is also perceived that tourism is becoming less seasonal, open to new countries such as Asians and diversify, "which contributes to the wealth reaches all parts of Spain."
He also stressed that Spain now ranks first in tourism competitiveness, "it's the first time ever we occupy that position in the rankings of the World Economic Forum." From 2011 to today, Spain has climbed from eighth to first in this ranking. Also remember that tourism has been the most difficult moments of the crisis a great engine of the economy, Rajoy said that "tourism bet is to go for our common prosperity."
Hence, by the Spanish Primer Minister, creating a favorable environment for tourism companies be encouraged, eliminate administrative burdens and homogenize and simplify its rules. According to Rajoy, the key to the future is to "keep working on comprehensive policies in the medium and long term, to ensure the sustainability of our tourism model," which is to maintain investment and pursue the modernization of destinations.
Source: Pool
Source: Pool
Source: Pool
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