


Abbe Pierre Foudnation Logo (Source: Courtesy Abbe Pierre Foundation)
Annual Meeting Foundation Abbe Pierre
(Source: Courtesy Foundation Abbe Pierre)
USPA NEWS - Like every year, this report provides a dashboard of inadequate housing from updated figures, thanks to unprecedented exploitation of the 2013 Housing Survey INSEE highly expected, and monitoring housing policies of the past year.
It shows the alarming degradation of many indicators.
Homeless Poster Campaign
Source: Rahma Sophia Rachdi
Like every year, this report provides a dashboard of inadequate housing from updated figures, thanks to unprecedented exploitation of the 2013 Housing Survey INSEE highly expected, and monitoring housing policies of the past year. It shows the alarming degradation of many indicators, whether the number of homeless people in fuel poverty in undue financial stress or forced accommodation among others. THE ABBE PIERRE FOUNDATION RELEASES ANNUAL REPORT ON POVERTY AND INADEQUATE-HOUSING The Abbe Pierre Foundation has just published its 21th report on inadequate housing in France and particularly in Ile de France. There are 15 million people my housed in France, with an increase of this year 2015. According to a TNS Sofres poll -October 2015), 3 of 4 French, consider their country as egalitarian, housing appearing as their 3rd source inequality the lowest and second most prevalent.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "The Fondation Abbe Pierre" analysis housing as a major factor in the deepening of inequalities in the heart of the process of dropping the masses.Every year, a report is released by the "Abbe Pierre Foundation" on links between health and housing, confirms that poor housing is a public health issue. This report became a reference stating the housing situation in France and release the warnings on the whole context, in France and Paris.--------------------------------------------------------------------------- According to the OFCE (Observatory Committee), for inadequately housed, overcrowding, humidity, noise increase each 40% risk for a person to report poor health. This percentage reaches 50% for those in fuel poverty.--------------------------------- Finally, the shortcomings of housing and health policies feed each other and sacrifice the most vulnerable people, particularly those with psychiatric disorders. Today, 1/3 of people homeless have severe psychiatric disorders while 60 000 in specialized hospital beds were closed in recent decades, without alternatives to meet the needs.
Foundation Abbe Pierre
Source: Courtesy Foundation Abbe Pierre
“L´ABBE PIERRE“ BECOMES A FRENCH NATIONAL HEROE SINCE HIS CALL FOR COLDEST WINTER 1954 Henri Grouès, said Abbe Pierre, born August 5, 1912 in Lyon and died on 22 January 2007 in the 5th arrondissement of Paris, is a French Catholic priest of the Order of Friars Minor Capuchin, resistant and MP, founder of Emmaus movement (secular organization fighting against exclusion) including the Abbé-Pierre Foundation for disadvantaged housing and many other associations, foundations and companies in the social economy, France.----------------------------------------------------------------- During the winter of 1954, which was one of the roughest in France, Abbé Pierre acquires notoriety by revolting and denouncing the winter the more deadly for the homeless. He thus launched on 1 February 1954 a memorable call on the airwaves of Radio Luxembourg (RTL future) 18, which became famous under the name "Call of Abbe Pierre." The next day, the press ran the headline on the "uprising of kindness". The call will yield 500 million francs in donations (including 2 million by Charlie Chaplin who will say on that occasion: "I do not give them, I realize they belong to the vagabond that I was and that I played.. ") 19, an enormous sum for the time and completely unexpected calls and emails that completely overwhelmed the switchboard of the radio, and in-kind donations of a huge volume if it took weeks just to sort, distribute and find deposits to store them properly everywhere in France.--------------------------------------------------------------- With the money collected as a result of his call on the radio, he build emergency housing (including that of Noisy-le-Grand resembles a slum because it is inspired by the project of the American architect Martin Wagner buildings are shaped metallic cage half 20). These cities known to be temporary were transformed gradually in the best case, in housing projects. The battle of Abbé Pierre later allowed the adoption of a law prohibiting the eviction of tenants during winter.
Homeless Poster Campaign
Source: Rahma Sophia Rachdi
THE FONDATION ABBE PIERRE IS RECOGNIZED OF PUBLIC UTILITY AND A REFERENCE TO ASSESS THE SITUATION OF POORLY HOUSING IN FRANCE The "Foundation Abbe-Pierre" for disadvantaged housing is a foundation member of Emmaus International and Emmaus France, state-approved on 11 February 1992. The Abbé Pierre was the honorary president until January 22 2007, when he disappeared. The president is Raymond Etienne. For the Fondation Abbe Pierre, shelter is a basic need, along with food, health and employment. So she set the goal of acting "for the most disadvantaged find housing with dignity and sustainably, whatever the amount of their resources and their social situation."----------------------------------------------------------------------- The Abbe-Pierre Foundation work for greater consideration of the housing needs of people with the least resources and provides significant financial support to the creation of very social housing since 2005, through three consecutive programs, "1500 housing very social, " " 2000 roofs for 2000 families "and" first roofs "launched on 3 April 2012.

more information: https://I am correspondent based in France, registered and empowered by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. I am wheelchair bound, and work on my own, without any assistant, nor photographer, working under my name. The law punishes the identity theft.

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