
The constitutional reform was abandoned after four months of discussions sterile

Disagreements on nationality forfeiture

Reform logo (Source: firztmeier.de)
President Hollande Versailles Congress
(Source: Rahma Sophia Rachdi)
USPA NEWS - The proposal for Francois Hollande, November 17, 4 days after the attacks on Friday the 13th of constitutional reform in Congress of Versailles, falls to water. Never has a reform has never raised so many long discussions that lasted 4 months to end up in the forgotten.
JJ Urvoas and Chritsiane Taubira
Source: Courtesy JJ Urvoas
THIS REFORM HAS MADE MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING AND SOME COLLATERAL DAMAGES-------------------- The proposal for Francois Hollande, November 17, 4 days after the attacks on Friday the 13th of constitutional reform in Congress of Versailles, falls to water. Never has a reform has never raised so many long discussions that lasted 4 months to end up in the forgotten.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- See article : PRESIDENT HOLLANDE GIVES UP THE CONSTITUTIONAL REFORM OF VERSAILLES NO ARTICLE 1 DEPRIVATION OF NATIONALITY- See more at: http://www.uspa24.com/bericht-7552/president-hollande-gives-up-the-constitutional-reform-of-versailles.html#sthash.mLtpgmKT.dpuf---------------------------------------------- Section 1 of this reform posed the biggest problem and point of disagreement even within the parliamentary majority of the left: forfeiture of nationality. The text initially applauded November 17 at Versailles, was on course to be voting. This was the case, since the National Assembly was voting with 317 votes against 199 and 51 abstentions, on February 10. Another major damage collateral was the resignation of Justice Minister Christiane Taubira "in major disagreement" with this reform because "too attached to the right to nationality ground ."------------------------------------------------------------------------- After the resistance of the right and left senators, the President has decided to President Hollande stifle this reform in its shell as it needs 3/5 of majority with two rooms for the constitutional reform is adopted definitively. Francois Hollande has committed either, a gesture of "wisdom“ some would say based on a political tactic, or perhaps his the attitude of an admission of weakness and quite dare risk the end of five years, at the dawn of the next presidential elections. See article : FRENCH GOVERNMENT LOST CHRISTIANE TAUBIRA MINISTER OF JUSTICE WHO RESIGNED BEST INCONIC POLITICAL 2015 - See more at: http://www.uspa24.com/bericht-7127/french-government-lost-christiane-taubira-minister-of-justice-who-resigned.html#sthash.kni3Auk1.dpuf

more information: https://I am correspondent based in France, registered and empowered by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. I am wheelchair bound, and work on my own, without any assistant, nor photographer, working under my name. The law punishes the identity theft.

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