
The pedophile director vilelfontaine school committed suicide in his cell

French Minister of Justice explains

Villefontaine School
Romain Farina Pedophile Villefontaine
(Source: wanted-pedophile)
USPA NEWS - Minister of Justice was informed of the death early this morning by suicide of the former teacher blamed for act of pedophilia in Villefontaine. An investigation was immediately opened by the Prosecutor to establish the exact circumstances of death. The individual was subject to special monitoring
Ministry of Justice logo
Source: Courtesy Ministry of Justice
The Justice Minister was informed of the death early this morning by suicide of the former teacher blamed for act of pedophilia in Villefontaine. An investigation was immediately opened by the Prosecutor to establish the exact circumstances of the death. The individual was subject to special monitoring, having already attempted suicide. The Justice Minister is absolutely committed to shedding light on the circumstances of death. It affirms its determination to move forward with the Penitentiary Administration towards strengthening specific measures of risk prevention of suicides in correctional settings. Jean-Jacques Urvoas fully supports the families of the victims and also presents its condolences to the family of the accused. The fight against child sexual abuse is a government priority as shown in the bill says "Villefontaine" to be definitively adopted in Parliament this week and will take effect immediately.  See article : A RECIDIVIST PEDOPHILE DIRECTOR OF PRIMARY SCHOOL STOPPED BY POLICE IN FRANCE WAS RECRUITED BY THE NATIONAL EDUCATION - See more at: http://www.newsrama.uspa24.com/bericht-3687/a-recidivist-pedophile-director-of-primary-school-stopped-by-police-in-france.html#sthash.yLaBGe3s.dpuf And See also article : AFTER VILLEFONTAINE SCANDAL NEW PEDOPHILIA CASES AT OTHER PUBLIC FRENCH SCHOOLS PARENTS GRIEVANCES AGAINST EDUCATION - See more at: http://www.newsrama.uspa24.com/bericht-3729/after-villefontaine-scandal-new-pedophilia-cases-at-other-public-french-schools.html#sthash.ZKF0lTXM.dpuf    

more information: https://I am correspondent based in France, registered and empowered by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. I am wheelchair bound, and work on my own, without any assistant, nor photographer, working under my name. The law punishes the identity theft.

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