
The Eating Habits of the French, World Champions of the Lunch Break

Never a working day goes by without it

USPA NEWS - While three out of five employees in the world never stop for lunch, in France the lunch break remains a particularly sacrosanct moment in the day : Never a working day goes by without breaking for lunch. and for most French employees, lunchtime is a key moment in their working day...
While three out of five employees in the world never stop for lunch, in France the lunch break remains a particularly sacrosanct moment in the day : Never a working day goes by without breaking for lunch. and for most French employees, lunchtime is a key moment in their working day.

To understand this French particularity, Elior France asked the Sociovision research agency to carry out a lunch-break survey with 8,000 employees in France.
While the lunchtime break has changed considerably, and is now shorter than it was 20 years ago, this survey reveals employees' eating habits and catering expectations, gives insight into what the company restaurant of the future might look like, and, as such makes it possible to anticipate consumers' changing needs and behavior patterns.

The survey highlights 7 key points :

- The lunch break is sacrosanct: 84% of employees are still very much attached to their midday meal.

- The lunch break is a cherished habit: 88% of employees always eat with the same people, and 90% at the same time.
- The lunch break: not just about eating. It is also an opportunity to spend a relaxing moment with colleagues, to recharge the batteries, or do a few non-work things.

- The company restaurant enhances the feeling of wellbeing in the workplace. Employees are aware of the advantages of having access to a company restaurant that offers quality food at unbeatable prices.

- The ideal solution: food for all tastes. The French prefer to vary their culinary pleasures, while maintaining a balanced diet.
- Differing lunch break profiles. For gourmets and "bon vivants", lunchtime is a sacred, pleasurable moment. For the more down-to-earth types, the company restaurant is the ideal lunchtime solution offering varied and quality food, at reasonable prices.

- By 2025, the company restaurant should serve as a facilitator. It will be an interactive and personalized venue offering diners information needed to maintain a healthy, balanced diet.
This survey notably reveals how important the company restaurant is for French employees: 96% of employees with access to a company restaurant use it frequently.

Source : Elior Group - Survey : Never a working day goes by without breaking for lunch / For most French employees, lunchtime is a key moment in their working day.

Yasmina BEDDOU
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