
Over 10 000 pilgrims set off from Notre Dame de Paris to reach Chartres

Under aegis of Alexis Garnier Abbot

Alexis Garneir Abbot (Source: Liberte TV Caption)
Notre Dame de Paris
(Source: RSR)
USPA NEWS - As every year, Our Lady of Christendom organizes its traditional pilgrimage. Over 10,000 pilgrims set off to reach Chartres from Paris. Hundreds of volunteers and priests but also a logistics allow the smooth running of what is today one of the largest pilgrimages in Europe.
Pilgrim Chartres
Source: Coutresy Our Lady of Christendom
As every year, Our Lady of Christendom organizes its traditional pilgrimage. Over 10,000 pilgrims set off to reach Chartres from Paris. Hundreds of volunteers and priests but also a logistics allow the smooth running of what is today one of the largest pilgrimages in Europe.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PILGRIMAGE FROM NOTRE DAME DE PARIS TO LADY OF CHRISTENDOM IN CHARTRES--------------------------- The Association "Notre-Dame de Chrétienté" ("Our Lady of Christendom") organizes every year at Pentecost a pilgrimage from Cathedral Notre-Dame de Paris to Cathedral Notre-Dame de Chartres (France): three days to live and build the Christendom of the third millennium. Covering within three days a distance of approximately 60 miles, the pilgrims walk in "chapters" under the patronage of a saint. The pilgrimage has about 150 chapters each comprising around fifty pilgrims from all over France and even abroad (USA, Great Britain, Australia, Poland, Canada, Spain, etc. ...). The chapters are led by laymen who, with the help of chaplains, organise the chapter hymns, meditations, rosary and prayers. The pilgrims live in a spirit of Christ's presence: friendship and prayer sustaining each pilgrim on his spiritual journey.Chaplains, priests and religious from various communities accompany the pilgrims all along the walk, hearing confessions, and teaching the Catholic Faith.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Each day, Mass is celebrated in the most beautiful way, according to the Roman Missal of Pope John XXIII. The liturgy is the traditional Latin one : magnificent instrument of prayer, stressing the universal character of the Mass.----------------------------- Each year, approximately 8,000 to 10,000 pilgrims, walk to the Marian shrine of Chartres, expressing the condition of Christian life which is to be a long pilgrimage and a long walk to paradise...------------------------------------------------------------ “We receive pilgrimage, every year, and the theme that will accompany the marchers this year: "Come, Holy Spirit." Abbot Fr. Alexis Garnier of the Priestly Fraternity of Saint Peter and Angelique Chalard, deputy head of the Paris Nord chapter, sais. Together, they return to the organization of the 34th pilgrimage of Christianity will gather again this year, thousands of pilgrims, mostly young people, leaving the city for 3 days to give meaning to their lives.

more information: https://I am correspondent based in France, registered and empowered by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. I am wheelchair bound, and work on my own, without any assistant, nor photographer, working under my name. The law punishes the identity theft.

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