
President Hollande decides to mobilise 10 000 soldiers and maintain Sentinel

After the terrorist Attack of Nice

Elysee logo (Source: Courtesy Elysee)
Nice Prayer
(Source: RSR/FB)
USPA NEWS - President Hollande "decided, on proposal of Prime Minister and the ministers concerned, first, that we will maintain at a high level the Sentry operation, one that can mobilize 10,000 soldiers and more gendarmes and police, further the tragic terrorist attack of Nice on July 14th.
Police Nationale logo
Source: Courtesy Police Nationale
The Nice attack was "an attack on the terrorist nature can not be denied," said President Hollande remark about the Nice attack on 14 th of July. After a large truck on July 14th, National Day in France at 11: 35 pm, french time, drove in a crazy speedy way and crashed into the crowd and killed 84 people and injuring at least 50 in Nice, French Riviera. The death toll rose from the last three days after the carnage that resulted in the death and serious injury of women, men and children. Indeed, the terrorist act of this insane driver has attacked pedestrians who were walking on the cornice of Nice to witness the fireworks National French party. This barbare act and the tragic consequences moved the entire France and the international community and whose solidarity was expressed for the three days of national mourning declared by the head of state Francois Hollande also very affected by this national tragedy.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hollande also "decided, on proposal of Prime Minister and the ministers concerned, first, that we will maintain at a high level the Sentry operation, one that can mobilize 10,000 soldiers and more gendarmes and police. " The Sentinel operation provides permanent deployment of at least 7,000 armed soldiers in France. It was triggered in January 2015 after the terrorist attacks in Paris."I have also decided to appeal to the operational reserve, that is to say to all those who at one time were the armed forces or in the staffing of the police response to relieve staff of police and gendarmes , he added. We can deploy them to all the places where we need them and in particular for border control. "------------------------------------------------------------- "We will strengthen our actions in Syria and Iraq". The state of emergency was declared by the head of state after the attacks of 13 November 2015, which made 130 deaths, was extended three times, November, February and May. The last extension on May 19, was two months, three months against the previous times, to ensure the security of the Euro 2016 football and the cycling Tour de France. The law called "penal reform", published June 4 in the Official Journal, later permitted to strengthen police and judicial arsenal in the fight against terrorism. This law, "it is not a transposition of the state of emergency, but it is a tool to do without a state of emergency" had explained the socialist rapporteur of the text to the national Assembly member for Seine-Saint-Denis Pascal Popelin. "We will strengthen our actions in Syria and Iraq. We will continue to strike those who attack us in their den, "also said Mr. Holland, suggesting he attributed the responsibility for the attack on the organization Islamic State (EI), but not explicitly mentioned. Source Le Monde and Elysee SEE ARTICLE : - See more at: http://www.uspa24.com/bericht-8656/nice-attack-is-a-terrorist-act-out-says-president-hollande.html#sthash.q4LPKPDN.dpuf

more information: https://I am correspondent based in France, registered and empowered by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. I am wheelchair bound, and work on my own, without any assistant, nor photographer, working under my name. The law punishes the identity theft.

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