
In PARIS - New communication campaign for CANS with FACEBOOK

PARIS on October 10, 2016

(Source: © Ruby BIRD & Yasmina BEDDOU)
(Source: © Ruby BIRD & Yasmina BEDDOU)
USPA NEWS - Starting a new communication campaign to promote the use of cans by Millenials with the collaboration of FACEBOOK. The aim is to educate youth not really fans of food in cans. UPPIA (collective for information on the cans industry) is launching a new campaign on Facebook with short educative clips..
Starting a new communication campaign to promote the use of cans by Millenials with the collaboration of FACEBOOK. The aim is to educate youth not really fans of food in cans. UPPIA (collective for information on the cans industry) is launching a new campaign on Facebook with short educative clips using the collaboration of a comedian called Nicole FERRONI who generated buzz with a sketch critisizing the actual French Government. The target is definitely the Millenials, being very demanding and hyper-connected.
The theme is 'La conserve n'a pas fini de vous étonner' (the can won't stop amazing you'). The choice of using Facebook is very subjective, Youth are very connected and do not trust traditional media. Facebook is coming with its knowledge and experience, proposing suitable services such as convincing youth to regularly use their social media. For instance, three points are putting ahead :

* Instead of talking youth language, better just speak to them
* Convincing the Youth with someone already talking to them on Facebook and having already a larg number of fans
* The only suitable format for youth is the video

A teaser was sent on Facebook on September 30, 2016 with Nicole FERRONI as Ambassador.
The sketches are meant to educate about can and all the symbols behind it. It was invented by Nicolas APPERT in 1795, a discovery 'made in FRANCE'. Also, that can does not keep chemical preservative, 99,7 % of French use cans, 40 000 persons work for the cans industry....

UPPIA undertook a survey on nowadays youth , their desires, expectations and comments they could come with. Some facts come as follow :

* Youth are very critical towards Media

* They admit the importnce of money but still have some convictions and personal believes

* They combine selfishness and altruism when needed

* Mainy are addiced to technology
* Do not stick to brands and use a lot the zapping

* Give a lot of importance to their well-being, their close family and relationships come first

* Role Model comes before status

* Would like to combine Work and Passion

* Ambition to be fulfilled more than to be successful

* Would like to multiply opportunities

* In search of Sensations, feelings, meanings....


Source : UPPIA & Facebook - Press Conference October 10, 2016 at FACEBOOK Paris Office

Yasmina BEDDOU
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